Dhaka, Bangladesh : Anwar Kader, a talented young inventor and student, has become a beacon of innovation with his revolutionary project. Collaborating with Afia Ahsan, a respected lecturer at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, he has put forward a groundbreaking proposal for the creation of a vending machine that serves street food, primarily focusing on noodles.
Anwar Kader, a student at the renowned North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, developed the idea for the street food vending machine to address concerns regarding the hygiene and safety of traditional street food. With a passion for technology and a commitment to improving people’s lives, he engineered a solution that combines convenience, taste, and food safety.
One of the remarkable features of this concept is the application of UV light technology in the vending machine. By integrating this feature, Anwar Kader aims to eliminate potential contamination and ensure that the food served is safe for consumption.
Anwar Kader shared his motivation and vision for the project, stating, “I want to bridge the gap between street food and food safety. By leveraging technological advancements, we can revolutionize the street food industry and ensure that people can enjoy their favorite delicacies without compromising their health.”
The project, recently submitted to the ICT Division for the Innovation Idea Project, has sparked excitement among industry experts and food enthusiasts alike. If approved, it could transform the way street food is prepared and consumed in Bangladesh.
By providing safe and hygienic street food options through these vending machines, Anwar Kader aspires to elevate the overall culinary experience while supporting the local street food vendors. As a result, these machines have the potential to create numerous employment opportunities and contribute to the growth of the culinary tourism sector in Bangladesh.
The ICT Division is currently evaluating the proposal, and if Anwar Kader’s innovation is accepted, it could bring about a new era in the street food industry in Bangladesh, setting an example for other nations around the world.
As the decision from the ICT Division is eagerly anticipated, one thing remains clear: Anwar Kader’s project has the potential to revolutionize street food in Bangladesh, offering a safer and more convenient dining experience for all.